
Window And Door Installation Guide

Measure carefully; Prepare the opening; Install the frame; Insulate.

These are general guidelines for installing aluminium doors and windows.

door and window care guide

Aluminium doors and windows are popular because they are lightweight, durable, and require little maintenance.

However, it’s still important to care for them properly to ensure they continue to function properly and look great for years to come.

glass cleaning guide

Keeping glass surfaces clean and streak-free can be challenging, but it’s important to maintain their clarity and appearance.

Here are some tips for cleaning glass surfaces.

frequently asked questions

A list of commonly asked questions and answers about topics such as minimum order quantity, standards, customisable, time, colour and customise extrusions.

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Aluminium Doors And Windows

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If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our products and services, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Our Warranty

Aluminium Extrusion: 10 years
Powder Coating: 6 years
Hardware: 6 years
Fabrication: 6 years

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